Ludens Dei

Play as Coders and Colossus to work together and dominate over your opponents for those precious resources.

Ludens Dei Banner

In a futuristic world called Dei Terrae, Coders invented the Colossus who harness the power of Industrium -- their source of energy found around their land. There different kinds of Industrium reserves which are named by their shapes: Triangle, Plus, Diamond and Cross. Coders then became obsessed with collecting Industrium and taking over the land with their Colossus. However, only the Coders with the strongest Colossus can dominate over the great power of Industrium. Thus, Coders with their partner Colossus battle it out to mark their territory over the precious resource.


Basically it’s like a highly competitive tag team Twister where the card holder calls all the shots which will be followed by the players inside the mat. A strategic combat of endurance and flexibility. Teams must sabotage their opponents to bring down their so-called Colossus.

1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6
4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6

Rulebook Table of Contents
Rulebook Background
Rulebook Overview
Game Mat
Card Front Sample
Card Back

Personal Notes

The game’s backstory and premise was unearthed even further when I took my creative writing subject. This storyline will be posted soon. It was satisfying to see that a seemingly non-narrative game got extended which adds flavor to the original idea.